Digital Marketing

5 Tips to Improve the Performance of Your PPC Campaigns

For your PPC initiative, choose a forum.

The first move in starting a new PPC initiative is to choose a forum on which to run it. While Google Ads is probably the most successful PPC campaign among today’s marketers, did you know that social media sites like Facebook and Twitter now offer pay-per-click ads?

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allow you to put “supported” posts on the newsfeeds of users who agree with certain audience characteristics that you, the advertiser, have identified. You can select your ad’s goal, such as market recognition, website traffic, and shop visits, as well as your target demographic, budget, and ad style, using this platform. If that seems confusing, you can always consider hiring a PPC consultant. Facebook will then feature your ad in the newsfeeds of people who fit your tastes, and you will be paid any time anyone clicks on it.

Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads function in the same way as Facebook Ads do. Advertisers can select from eight separate targeting targets, including app downloads, new followers, tweet engagements, and website traffic, as well as their target demographic for the advertisements they air, using Twitter’s PPC ad network. After that, Twitter will “promote” your post on the newsfeeds of users who fit your interests, and you will be paid any time this ad is clicked.

Google Ads

You can purchase high-ranking real estate on Google’s numerous web resources, including search engine results sites, with Google Advertising (SERPs). Your campaign can be a Display Ad, a Search Ad, an App Ad, or a Video Ad, with the latter putting the video on YouTube. You can set your ad budget, tailor your demographic, and/or agree to categories of search words on which you want your search result to appear for these PPC promotions. Any time you click on this search result, Google will charge you.

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In the steps below, we’ll concentrate on Google Ads to demonstrate how to run a PPC campaign.

Choose a type of ad to invest in

Any of the platforms mentioned above would allow you to choose the type of ad on which you want to pay for clicks. E.g., on Facebook, you can use a single picture, a single video, or a slideshow as the main asset of your ad. You have the following ad options on Google:

Display Ads

These banner ads will appear everywhere within Google’s “Display Network,” including Gmail, YouTube, and other Google properties.

Search Ads

This is the ad style that most people equate with PPC. Google’s Search Ads are a form of search engine marketing that displays your preferred landing page as a hyperlinked search result when users type in specific search words. When creating a Google Ads campaign, you can choose certain search keywords.

App Ads

These advertisements aid in promoting an app you’ve created for sale on Google Play, the company’s app store. Google automatically creates each ad’s artwork using the contents of your app’s download page when you use this ad form. Google then shows these advertisements in the languages and locations you specify. App Ads can be seen all over Google, including Google Search, Google Play, and YouTube.

Video Ads

Google’s Video Advertising can be found on YouTube and other Google affiliate pages. Advertisers may place their video advertisements before, after, or after various videos with a similar audience to the advertiser.

Establish an ad budget and a bidding plan

Your PPC campaign budget will determine the amount you’re able to spend for clicks on your ad placements. You can set a regular budget on Google Ads, but you can choose the increments you want your purchases to be made in on Twitter and Facebook.

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However, in PPC, there is another aspect of budgeting: not all subjects and audiences are comparable in importance. As a result, diverse preferences, user groups, and, most importantly, search words can cost different sums per click.

Adapt your target demographic, desires, place, and search words to fit your needs

You have the freedom to pick who you want your advertising to target in every PPC network. The “who” in Google Advertising refers to the target audience’s location, tastes, applications, and, of course, the searches they execute. To help you better customise your PPC strategy to the right people, you will build custom viewers with their own “custom affinities” and “custom intents.”

After you’ve defined your target demographic, you’ll add unique search words to the SERPs where you want your advertisements to appear (assuming you’re using Google Search Advertising). Consider how many keywords you want to use in each commercial. Contrary to Google Ads’ advice, the more keywords you want to target, the more likely you will end up in front of the wrong audience.

Examine the outcomes of your PPC campaign in the sense of your overall marketing plan.

The website where you’re running your PPC campaign will include an analytics dashboard where you can track the performance of your advertising. Take advantage of it, and this is where you can see the results of your labour. This covers the amount of traffic you’re attracting to your ad’s landing page, the amount of money you’re paying, and how much the traffic is turning into leads or sales.

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You will use this information to see if you’re having the most bang for your buck. However, don’t be afraid to take a more comprehensive look at the results of your PPC advertisements. You will associate your PPC strategies with the majority of your marketing strategies by incorporating your Google, Twitter, Facebook, or even LinkedIn ad promotions with your company’s marketing tools, which can help you evaluate how the business is doing as a result of your paying efforts.

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