
Tools To Monitor And Measure Your Brand Online

If you are concerned about the opinion people have for your brand on the Internet, or you want to monitor your trademark authority and reputation, then find out what are the instruments that will help you constantly measure it, so that you can reinforce it when required. Note that several of these alternatives are 100% free.

First of all, do you have an online reputation plan? If you have a presence on the Internet, your brand is exposed to the public, who will not always have the time to contrast information, cross data or study your competition in depth to see if what you offer is the best. In this way, they are carried away by the first impression and the opinions of others.

Hence the importance of having a plan that helps you take the pulse of what others think and say about your brand, in order to act quickly in any situation that threatens your reputation. It is essential even for brands that are beginning to position themselves or belong to small and medium-sized companies.

What is Trademark Monitoring?

Trademark monitoring is an exclusive type of service, where the service providers look at your trademark and categorize potential and existing infringers using your brand name. Monitoring is held from some period, as well as indeterminately, depending on the requirement of the brand owner. Regardless of whether your trademark is registered or not, the experts persistently point out market risks to you and inform you of the existence of any trademark violation that occurs or may occur in the future. Thus, allowing you to take precautionary measures before the issue becomes something more serious, ending in a legal clash. Online trademark monitoring is really important if your goal is to stand out and achieve success.

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What should you measure and monitor?

There are 5 aspects that every brand must consider to efficiently measure its online reputation and monitor its trademark:

  • Online activity which is obtained through detailed periodic reports of the different actions of your brand on its website, blog and social networks.
  • Keywords which are previously defined and are tracked in real time.
  • Sentiment of the users who interact with your brand that can be positive, negative or neutral.
  • Ability to influence third parties and that considers aspects such as the number of users who follow and interact with your brand.
  • Reputation through a detailed analysis of your brand’s reputation on the Internet.

Moreover, with these tools you manage your online reputation:

Google Alerts

It is a Google tool that allows you to monitor your brand through alerts of your keywords in the search engine. You configure it with different filters such as source, language, region and relevance, and you also define that the delivery of your results is done once a day or weekly. As part of Google’s free tools platform, you only need to have a Gmail account to use it.


This platform monitors mentions of your brand, in such a way that it allows you to identify influencers, know your audience, compare and study your competitors, analyze your websites and even boost your events. It has a free 15-day trial version that automatically tracks and classifies all mentions of your brand, in real time, offering you the possibility of knowing your online reputation at all times and anticipating any crisis. Of course, it does not allow access to Instagram information.

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The highlight of this tool is its ability to obtain a complete demographic profile of the people who speak about your brand, including gender, interests, occupation and location.


The data analytics applied by this technological platform allows detecting the presence of potential customers, as well as locating influencers and offering discounts. Focused on measuring social networks, it has a free version to consult the last 15 days. It also analyzes your competition through reports that consider both social networks and search trends.

Radian 6

This tool belonging to the Salesforce platform and monitors everything that is said about your brand through the scope and capture of conversations that arise in social networks, blogs, comments, photographs, videos and forums, being able to obtain graphs and percentages that address data history of up to 30 days.


Beyond the prestige and fame that your brand has on the Internet, if you manage its online reputation you will know all the factors that your consumers take into account when evaluating your product or service, and improve according to this information, as well as anticipate their demands and sell more and better.

Heena Naaz

Heena Naaz is a professional digital marketer and blogger at Techpuzz a tch blogging website. She also serves link-building services. To buy high-quality SaaS and tech backlinks outreach her.

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