
How to Keep Your Job Search Active During The Covid-19 Pandemic

If you were a job searcher a month ago compared with a job searcher today, you’re taking a gander at a very different landscape. It’s been a candidate-driven economy for quite a long time — however; the pandemic has made economic instability unrivaled. While many companies are in a hiring freeze and others are laying off employees, a few companies are increasing their recruiting efforts to fill basic positions.

However, not every person is searching for employment in biotech, healthcare or delivery services. In case you’re a present job seeker, how would you continue pushing ahead if you don’t know where you’re heading to? 

Have a look at this post to know different ways to keep your job search active during the COVID-19.

  1. Be Open to New Career and Roles

An aspect of your job chase should include taking inventory of your skillset and thoroughly considering new industries or roles where there might be any job openings. To make a professional career shift, you may need to obtain new skills, which could be a good utilization of your lockdown during this time of isolation.

Perhaps the best intention for keeping your brain sharp is to learn new skills or upgrade your current talents. With a few online courses accessible, you’re certain to discover one that is right for you. A few courses may even assist recruiters in discovering you. 

Browse the internet for tutorials or the internet to assist you in earning a new certificate to add to your resume. 

Furthermore, make certain to check your local universities and colleges, as many schools are providing discounted or free courses for individuals to take during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’ve, at any point, needed to get familiar with anything, now is the ideal time to do as such!

  1. Embrace Online Networking
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Your professional network is more significant now than ever before. If you haven’t signed into your LinkedIn account recently, this is an ideal opportunity to begin grasping the intensity of online networking. 

Along with browsing accessible employments on the platform, ensure you’re collaborating with your connections, sharing articles, and keeping your profile fit as a fiddle. Above all, your LinkedIn profile can grab the attention of a recruiter and become a central factor in whether you are selected for a job. 

Considerably further, as indicated by a research, job seekers with a functioning and comprehensive LinkedIn profile had a 71% higher possibility of finding an initial job interview. To put it simply now is your opportunity to sparkle on LinkedIn! 

  1. Widen Your Job Scope and Your Resume 

If you’ve been hunting job during the pandemic and essentially haven’t found numerous jobs you think a perfect fit for you, it may be an ideal opportunity to expand your horizons, even if it’s only a bit. 

Make sure to keep an open mind as you look for openings and understand that present opportunities are an impression of these difficult occasions. With organizations executing employing freezes and others trying to transform to remote work, your dream job essentially may not be possible at this point, and that is alright! 

Reexamine your best skills and ask yourself by what other means they could be helpful to an organization. Are there similar jobs for which you’d make an extraordinary fit? Would you be able to tap into any other skill that is not listed on your resume? Put on best efforts to remain calm and open-minded and have more job options to consider.

  1. Practice to a pro virtual interview
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These days, virtual interviews (telephonic interviews or interviews on zoom) are picking up momentum and are not the same as in-person interviews.

Hence, it is basic that you begin rehearsing now to pro your interviews.

Browse and read about the different ways you can prepare for virtual job interviews. 

Practicing video job interviews will expect you to ace your body language, facial expressions and voice tone.

  1. Refine work from home routine

The stark truth is that 88% of companies have urged or expected employees to start remote working because of the coronavirus outbreak, as per the latest research. Even though working from home was consistently increasing before the pandemic, grasping and optimizing remote work is no longer the option, rather, it’s a necessity.

Telecommuting is a skill all by itself. And keeping in mind that the length of this pandemic is obscure, it’s critical to remain productive since each project you complete is progressively pivotal to your organization’s bottom line. So keep up customary hours and treat your day as you would if you were going into the workplace. Make a proper space for your work, set proper work guidelines, plan breaks, and try to remain steady. 

Future job interviews will probably get some information about your experience working remotely. For current workforce, this is your opportunity to execute and document important assignments that you’ve had the option to achieve from the solace of your couch. 

After this global health crisis, it’s possible that the number of remote workers will see a quick rise. In case you’re ready to show your effectiveness during this time, you’ll increment your chances of being one of them. In any event, you’ll have another important skill to add to your resume.

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To conclude, during such a challenging and difficult time, it’s easy to become unmotivated with regard to seeking after new employment. The circumstances are changing every day, but remember there is still bounty you can do to continue with your job hunt process.

Heena Naaz

Heena Naaz is a professional digital marketer and blogger at Techpuzz a tch blogging website. She also serves link-building services. To buy high-quality SaaS and tech backlinks outreach her.

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