
Best Automation Testing Trends

Automation testing is the process of executing a test case suite using automated testing tools. These tools can also be used to store and re-use the suite. The major advantage of this process includes a lack of human intervention, and it eliminates manual testing completely. The most essential thing that you require while dealing with such things is a strong internet connection. What makes your internet connection strong is not just the Router but also the IP Router login. A smooth internet connection benefits in various ways in these progressively faster times. As technology increases, the trends change, and new testing software comes into the picture. New trends are set up every year, and this article would be focusing on the top 5 automation trends of 2021.


Programming languages have been a major advancement in technology in almost every technical field we take. People spend most of their prime time learning these programming languages, and it requires a lot of effort and is time-consuming. To overcome this hindrance, codeless automation tools have been introduced to the testing trends.

For running Graphic User Interface tests, codeless testing has proved to be extremely beneficial as the test cases can be automated once the UI is developed. Creating tests for UI becomes unnecessary in this case. Some of the major codeless automation testing tools and platforms are given below:

a) Cloud QA:

It is a selenium tool used to automate web apps. It detects all the problems in that app and provides the result with greater speed and accuracy.

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b) Katalon Studio

It uses an Appium and selenium-based engine, which is used to create automated test cases for UI without coding. This tool can be launched for various OS like Microsoft, Linux, etc.

c) Ranorex

It is an exclusive tool for windows OS. It fixes the issue of a test case rather than wasting time on where things failed. The failed cases are then stored as screenshots.

d) UseTrace

It is a software tester that tests whether the web app user interface works effectively or not. Automation of cloud computers takes place to test the site.

e) TestArchitect

TestArchitect’s tool helps continuous testing and continuous quality reporting and assessment using QA management tools.


IoT or the Internet of Things is a network that consists of interconnected electronic devices such as sensors. IoT testing is a type to check different IoT devices. The major goal of IoT testing is to provide a standard industry framework for the agility of the software delivered. The setups consist of various components like networks, applications, data centers, etc. Thus, it is mandatory to carry out the testing on all the IoT elements making sure that all of them function effectively. The QA would require a lot of time and expertise to deal with these various components individually.

There are various types of testing revolving around IoT.

  • Testing for usability.
  • Testing for reliability.
  • Testing for data integrity.
  • Testing the security and performance.

After the testing, all these criteria undergo a validation process.

Some of the IoT testing tools are given below:

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a) Shodan

It is a search engine for IoT. It is used to discover the devices that are connected to the internet.

 b) Clarion Technologies

They have a smart IoT that has the relevance and experience to match the IoT value chain requirements and helps the testing more effectively, and works towards the goal.

3)  QAOps

In the software sector, QAOps is a combination of Quality Assurance and IT Operations. It assures faster delivery without compromising the quality. Continuous testing is done using automation which makes the development cycle faster and assures high-quality output. QAOps are rapidly increasing as customer satisfaction is more than any other form of testing. QAOps is always a part of the CI/CID pipeline.

Some of the companies which adopted QAOps testing tools are given below:

a) Pixel Crayons

b) Aegis Softech DevOps

c) Klara

d) Pythian

e) Marlabs Inc.


Blockchain is a database that stores information in the form of blocks that are linked using cryptography. When a new block is added to a blockchain, it retains the chain and cannot be changed or replaced. Hence, testing it before execution becomes very essential. The various types of testing which come under blockchain testing are:

  • Performance testing- It checks the performance of the various components of a blockchain, such as cost efficiency, size, etc., and compares its pros and cons.
  • Security testing- It checks whether the blockchain is prone to any external attack and if the authentication and authorization systems are trustable and efficient.

Penetration testing or pen testing is a deliberate attack on a computer to check whether it has strong cybersecurity and whether it is vulnerable to attacks or not. It also involves breaching various applications in a system. The steps involved in pen testing are given as follows:

  • Gathering Information.
  • Scanning the System.
  • Research and Innovation.
  • Reporting and Feedback.
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One of the famous companies which focuses mainly on pen testing is the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). They check for the top security threats and risks and work on resolving them.

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