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React vs. Angular? The Best Choice for Mobile App Development

There are constant debates on whether to choose React or Angular. Which one is the better choice for mobile app development? The article sheds light on to this dilemma and brings a detailed analysis. By the end of the article, you will choose one for yourself based on your requirement. 

A Brief Introduction 


  • The first React framework was introduced seven years ago in May, 2013.
  • It is a Javascript library created for UI development. React is an open-source community of developers. The social media giant Facebook manages it.
  • The latest update of the framework is to be released as React 17.0 in 2020, but the dates are not official yet. 


  • It was launched as Angular 2.0 in September of 2016. This was an evolved and completely new version of the Angular 1.0. It was also known as the AngularJS and was released back in 2010. 
  • Angular is TypeScript-based and is managed by Google’s Angular team as well as the Angular developer community. It is an open-sourced JavaScript framework designed for web and mobile development. 
  • The latest version of Angular was released as the Angular 10, on 24th June.

Now that you’re aware of the basic introduction of the two let’s compare and analyze them on a few significant aspects. 

  1. Universality 
  • React 

This open-sourced framework can be utilized in both mobile and web development. But it needs to be combined with Cordova for mobile development. Furthermore, there is React Native, which is exclusively for mobile development. If we talk about the best react native app development company, QSS Technosoft, LITSLINK, and Galaxy Weblinks Inc. are some of the front-runners. 

It can be used to create both single and multiple-page web applications. 

  • Angular

Angular works with both mobile and web development. However, Ionic plays a vital role in mobile development along with Angular. Similar to React, Angular also has an exclusive mobile development framework, which is called NativeScript. 

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It can also be applied to develop both individual pages and multiple-page web applications.

  1. Independency
  • React: Apps developed with React need additional libraries as React is a framework for UI development. 
  • Angular: Unlike React, Apps that are written using Angular do not need any additional library as it is a holistic framework for software development. 
  1. Learning Curve
  • React 

React is a simple framework which you will understand if you are well-versed with JavaScript. Most of the features of React are minimalistic, with no pre-defined templates and no complicated features. 

But it also necessitates a considerable amount of time to get acquainted with React on setting up a project as there is no classic template. Moreover, it would be best if you learned Redux libraries as it is used in the majority of the React apps for state management. 

React also comes with a long list of best practices that you need to adopt to get accurate results. 

  • Angular

Angular is comparatively more intricate than React. It is a collection of a vast library, and it will take a while before you can understand the concepts. So the time required in learning is much more than React. 

It is also notable that the component management of Angular is intricate, and it also has many avoidable syntaxes, which make it tricky to understand.

You can’t get away without learning the complicated features as they are embedded into the core of the framework. But that does make you solution-oriented as it has multiple solutions for a single problem. 

  1. Community 
  • React 

Being one of the most admired JavaScript frameworks globally, React has a vast community. 

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Due to the constant updates of the framework, one has to be a continuous learner. While the community makes every possible effort to be as work parallel with the latest updates, sometimes there are glitches due to the lack of documentation. But they are mostly solved swiftly on the thematic forums by the community support. 

Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, Paypal, Uber, and Microsoft are some tech giants that actively use React.

  • Angular

As you are already aware that Angular is more complicated than React, and therefore, its prevalence is less. The unpopularity of Angular 1.0 also had a big part in developers rejecting the framework, stating that it is an overly confusing framework that demands a lot of learning time. 

But things started changing when Google took charge and developed the 2.0. It worked well for Angular’s reliability. Google gives constant support and regularly updates it. But like React, since the updates are rapid, the documentation often lags.

Apple, Forbes, Nike, McDonald’s, AT&T, and HBO are some of the companies which use Angular.

  1. Directives

React: Logics and templates are described at the end of the component. This allows you to make sense of the code even if you’re unaware of the syntax. 

Angular: Templates are rendered with an attribute, a directive of how the object has to be set. The syntax used in Angular directives is much more complicated. This means it is nearly impossible for you to understand the codes unless you have prior experience with this technology. 

  1. Performance 
  • React

Since the inception of the virtual DOM, React’s performance has enhanced rapidly. The browser’s load is reduced as all virtual DOM trees are created on servers and are lightweight. It accelerates the development speed.

Moreover, as the process of data-binding is unidirectional, bindings don’t require additional supervision and thereby, reducing further workload. 

  • Angular
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In the case of dynamic and complex web pages, the performance of Angular degrades. 

Because of data-binding being bidirectional, the execution of Angular applications is negatively affected. Watchers supervise each binding, and each loop works until all the watchers have finished checking the associated values. More binding creates more watchers and ultimately complicates the process further. 

But the recent updates in Angular have upgraded its performance, and it’s now competing fiercely with React.


React might seem like a simple and effective choice at the first go. The main advantage which React has over Angular is its simplicity. But the same benefit neutralizes after a point as you have to learn different libraries along with further JavaScrip frameworks and tools as React is a framework designed just for UI development.

On the other hand, Angular is much more tricky and complicated. It will take much longer to master it as compared to React. But once you’re well-versed with it, you understand that it is a full-fledged mobile and web development framework which offers holistic development experience.

You have to devote time to both of them as they are regularly updated to rival the competition. Ultimately, the choice between React Vs. Angular is all about personal preference and skills. For a beginner in programming, it is advisable to choose to React, as it is easy to learn. But it would be best if you challenged yourself with the sophistication of Angular. It is a tough road to climb on with Angular, but the view will be epic once you reach the top spot! 

Ultimately, work with what suits you better. Keep the above points in mind and analyze what you require and select accordingly. 

Heena Naaz

Heena Naaz is a professional digital marketer and blogger at Techpuzz a tch blogging website. She also serves link-building services. To buy high-quality SaaS and tech backlinks outreach her.

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