
Some things you need to know about TruVision

Weight loss is a process that requires a lot of effort. Stringent exercise, diet patterns and abstinence from certain things are just the tip of the iceberg. A deficit in calories results in reduction in energy gained by the body.

There are instances when no single technique of weight loss works. At times, the body does not shed off extra weight via dieting and exercising (which then requires other methods). A lot of factors can attribute to both weight gain and weight loss. Some people have stubborn fat tissues whilst some have fat tissues that can be cut down easily.

Weight loss routines of people then require medicinal support as well as support from effective weight loss supplements. A lot of supplements are present out there which claim to work effectively. People should always consult with a dietician before purchasing any supplements.

TruVision is among the supplements people can safely use based on recommendations. Let us now explore it in detail.

Introduction to TruVision

TruVision (often referred to as TruVision Health benefits) offers supplements that help people in their weight loss regimen by balancing the body’s chemistry. The makers of the brand claim that the two pill-regimen it offers can help benefit all systems of the human body. 

A considerable part of the claim is backed by research due to the supplement’s components working in a good manner. However, more research is needed to prove the effectiveness of the supplements offered by TruVision.

Topping the fact that TruVision lacks supporting evidence to its claim, there have been concerns among some research teams about the kind of ingredients added to the supplements.

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This post here will go deep into the functions and ingredients of TruVision’s line of supplements to see whether it is worth the bucks, or not. Based on many TruVision reviews found across various forums, let us delve deeper into TruVision and what it offers.

The origins of TruVision

TruVision Health LLC. (the supplement’s parent company) is based in Draper, Utah, United States of America. It produces and sells the TruVision line of supplements a marketing platform involving multiple channels. The weight loss supplements offered to combine two different supplements made by the company which are TruFIX and TruCONTROL.

The company introduced the line of supplements six years ago in 2014, as a means of helping increase weight loss and produce desirable results.

TruVision Health claims that both TruFIX and TruCONTROL are made from natural ingredients. They are formulated in a way to help people lose weight by restoring and improving the body’s chemistry to a state of balance.

The two-pill regimen of TruVision raises metabolism, reduce appetite and improves the mood.

TruFix is known to be made from natural extracts of herbs and plants. Whereas, TruCONTROL is formulated to help support optimal weight and energy production to help the body cut down stubborn fat tissues helping users feel more energized.

The two supplements made by TruVision work together as a multipurpose weight loss supplement. Its intention is not to require much effort to help people lose weight (i.e. without any special diet needs).

The product line of TruVision

TruVision’s products are as under:

  • reNU.
  • ReActivate.
  • vitaFIX.
  • simplyCLEAN.
  • TruKeto.
  • TruSlumber.
  • TruSpritz.
  • Heart & Hydration.
  • replace.
  • MEND.
  • TruFIX.
  • TruSoothe.
  • ByNature Essentials Oils.
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Depending upon the TruVision supplement in use, the packaging states that users should take around two capsules daily.

The company advertises the supplements to the public via its sales incentive program. The public can also alternatively buy TruVision’s products from their website or retailers.

Competitors of TruVision

The following are the competitors of TruVision:

Advocare Spark.


Plexus Slim.


Thrive Patch.

How to use the supplements?

If people wish to use TruVision for reducing weight, then they must take one pill of TruCONTROL and one pill of TruFIX twice a day each day for best results. The first dosage should be taken before breakfast and the second one should be taken early in the afternoon (preferably before lunch).

The benefits of TruVision

While the benefits of taking TruVision are to boost metabolism, reduce appetite and raise levels of energy while losing weight (as claimed by the company), Scientific evidence is needed to support these claims on a broader level. 

Reports from many research bodies and users alike are different. Half of the users were satisfied and felt the supplement’s benefits while the other half report that they were not satisfied.

Those who reported experiencing positive outcomes revealed that the supplement helped them limit their appetite and raise their energy levels. Those who reported that they did not receive any benefits revealed that they did not notice any difference in their overall appetite or the energy levels. Some have reported experiencing side effects.

However, there are benefits to TruVision (thanks to its ingredients). As reported in the International Journal of Obesity, it has been shown that there was a visible and considerable difference in body weight (due to presence of green tea extract in the supplement) instead of a placebo. Though, the effects of the supplement were revealed to be moderate.

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The International Journal of Medical Sciences also revealed that Citrus Aurantium Extract (p-Synephrine), (either by itself or in combination with other products) raised the resting rate of metabolism as well as the levels of energy spent by humans in resting.

Modest raises in weight loss have been discovered with the help of the bitter orange extract, when administered for 6 to 12 weeks. Yet more studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of this supplement.


TruVision is beneficial, and its benefits are wide. It can truly help individuals in their quest for helping reduce weight. However, it would be wise for people to consult with dieticians before consumption. More scientific research is also needed to ensure the supplement can be used by many without hesitation.


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