Digital Marketing

What Must Be On Your Website Design?

Undoubtedly, every company should have a website. But can you settle for creating the simplest site, containing only a few sentences about your services? Definitely not. It depends on the website whether the person who appears on it will become your customer. So what a website design should contain to ensure real sales?

Is it harder to sell on the internet? 

This is quite a contentious issue. Generation Z cannot do without internet and online shopping, but for the most part, checking a given product live is still an important element on the way to buying. This is less important for services, but you must be aware that a website and what is on it is usually the only contact with a customer who can convince him of your business. You do not want to risk that after a second his cursor hovers over the “x” icon?

You may not be surprised by what was written above, but look at the truth. Do you really think that your site is properly prepared for the client? Unfortunately, but a large proportion of websites still do not contain the information expected by recipients. Even if the generalities are sufficient for us, the lack of further elaboration of the topic may be a nail in your company’s casket. 

A stripped-down website does not inspire trust among potential customers and is often the reason for losing more leads. If you have traffic on your site, and for some reason, you do not achieve results, it may be a signal that you should look at the content on the page.

What should be on your website?

In this article, you’ll find some tips that will help you get closer to creating the perfect website for your business. Check if the listed points are on your website, and if something is missing, try to change it as soon as possible.

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1. Create a thorough description of what you do

Do not let people who visit your site in search of a given service think that you do not perform it. Very often, the general activities of the company are described on service websites, but there is no search for a list of specific services that are performed. This is a huge mistake. When using general terms, a person unfamiliar with the subject can simply take it for granted that you will not help them solve the problem. Make sure the language is adapted to the recipient. Complicated concepts and overly professional content can frighten some and cause rapid evacuation from the site.

If you have the opportunity, describe the scope of your services and attach a case study. Thanks to it, you will know a specific example of what to expect from each of your services.

2. Present the process of your company

Your potential customers are surely interested not only in what you do but also in the implementation process. You can’t skip it. The effect is not always the most important. If your clients plan to cooperate with your company for a long time, your approach becomes very important to them. In addition, in many industries, it is very difficult to imagine how the process of creating and executing certain orders is going on. If you describe it understandably, including the details, you inspire much more confidence than your competition.

TIP. Put on the page a brief description of the course of cooperation or present it in the form of photos, and certainly, customers will look more favorably at your company.

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3. Show your team

It’s nothing new that people just like to know who they are dealing with. Apparently, there are even studies confirming that employee photos on the site increase conversion. Let yourself get to know your audience. As a result, they will be more willing to entrust your order to your company. Show that there is a human factor behind your website and do not hide only behind your logo.

4. Explain why you do this

Tell your customers how you got into this industry. Describe your values ​​and the reasons why you started working in this field. It’s a great way to reduce the distance with a potential customer and stand out from the crowd. Tell the recipients that you are not here by accident, that you know what you are doing and above all, you want to do it. Your motivation to create this company can inspire your clients and show them that it is worth cooperating with your company.

5. Contact details – do not hide behind the form

A very popular contact form placed on company websites is the form. Is there something wrong with him? Provided that it works, But …

Customers are impatient and when they decide to contact, they want it immediately. In turn, it happens differently. Maybe a lucky day would make him receive the answer the same day, or for the next few he would wonder if his question had ever arrived. This is a very annoying situation that can affect your business perception and loss of customers. Don’t let this happen. Put a phone number, chat, or redirection to messenger on social media on the website. Make sure that the contact information is prominently displayed.

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6. Why is it worth trusting you?

Trust is the basis in every relationship, including business. Look for elements in your actions that will reduce the risk in the eyes of customers. Show off the opinions you have obtained so far and show your certificates and extensive experience. These simple elements conquer trust in your company thanks to which you are closer to acquiring a new customer.

7. Blog – one of the most important elements on your website

Answering the most important and bothering customer questions in the form of professional blog articles is a great opportunity to shorten the distance with recipients and to build your recognition. Blog articles are a way to share valuable industry knowledge. Thanks to the fact that you answer clients’ questions comprehensively, you get to know each other from the good side and thus assure them that your company will be the right choice for possible future cooperation. Blog articles also support positioning your page, what to keep in mind. 

Often, companies consider the sense of running a company blog and consider it an unnecessary element. From the positioner’s perspective, this is a very important issue that will work out your company’s position in the search engine. It is definitely worth considering, also for this reason. Usually, it is the company blog that increases the traffic on your website and encourages you to buy. Don’t let it run out of your website! This is your chance to build a long-term relationship with potential customers.

Heena Naaz

Heena Naaz is a professional digital marketer and blogger at Techpuzz a tch blogging website. She also serves link-building services. To buy high-quality SaaS and tech backlinks outreach her.

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